Thoughts on The Early Documentation of Emotion in Music The earliest documentation we have of conductors is the images we see of them in the tomb paintings of ancient Egypt.
Category: Aesthetics

The aesthetic challenge for the wind band in the futureThe aesthetic challenge for the wind band in the future
The wind band could perform a great public service in bringing aesthetic repertoire to an audience which has little access to it.

On some problems in performanceOn some problems in performance
Considerations for the future of wind bands, part 3 First we must redefine the word “Music.” Music is something which happens live before a listener. A recording of music is

The need to rethink how we teach musicThe need to rethink how we teach music
Music is a special language for communicating feeling or emotions to the listener. We all understand this, but we do not teach this.

The language of musicThe language of music
The great genetic role of the right hemisphere of the brain is what creates meaning in music and is what we mean by "musicality" in performance.

Considering the Future of the Italian Wind OrchestraConsidering the Future of the Italian Wind Orchestra
The choice of every conductor is to be either an entertainer or a source of uplifting and enlightening the audience. This choice will determine the cultural identity of bands in