Episode 8
The Nancy Affair The History Since the storming of the Bastille, on the 14 July 1789, unrest had been spreading among the regiments of the French Army. Although the officers of the army were still predominantly royalist, the rank and file were becoming increasingly influenced by the revolutionary turmoil around them. During August 1790 a […]

Episode 7
The Iron Garden In 2017 American composer Jerome Sorsek made two trips to the national parks of southern Utah. He was so fascinated with what he saw there that in the six months between his visits he composed this five-movement, 36 minute work. In Jerry’s own words, “The title alludes to erosion and the effect […]

Episode 6
A whole world of the deepest thoughts Known simply as the Chaconne, this work is the last movement of Bach’s Partita No. 2 in D minor for solo violin (BWV 1004). Each movement of the Partita is based on a dance: an Allemande, Courante, Sarabande, and Gigue. And then comes the Chaconne, the fifth and […]

Episode 5
As a first foray into composition in 1987, acclaimed conductor David Whitwell created a two-movement, 11 minute-long symphony for band depicting the “dark side of the Viennese Waltz.”

Episode 4
On the 14 July 1790, at the Festival of the Federation in Paris, François-Joseph Gossec performed his Te Deum in front of an audience of 400,000 and forever changed the instrumentation of the concert band.

Episode 3
Ponchielli’s arrangement of The Carnival of Venice, composed for band in 1868, is a tour de force for the whole ensemble, not just one soloist.

Episode 2
In 1845, in an effort to gain a contract to supply instruments to the French military, the bands of Adolphe Sax and Michele Carafa competed against each other in front of an audience of 20,000 people.

Episode 1
Did Beethoven compose any music for band? Find out about Beethoven’s works for band we’ve forgotten, and hear the real story behind his work Wellington’s Victory.